Tuesday, October 6, 2009

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things...

Well, one favorite thing actually. (My ducks are still all over the place and not likely to organize anytime soon, so I thought I would just forget the ducks for a while -- or try to -- and share this with you.)

I've said in a previous post that I grew up listening to radio drama and that that is part of the reason why I like my local library's audiobook digital lending program so much.

Well, BBC 4 has raised the art of non-visual dramatization to new heights. They are truly skilled at making you "see" what you can't actually see at all, not with smoke and mirrors but with fine actors, skilled sound effects technicians, wonderful writers, producers, etc. Some of the actors you may immediately recognize, like Shirley Henderson ("Moaning Myrtle" from the Harry Potter movies.) Her droll reading of a modernized fairy tale was hilarious.

The above link will take you to their "Drama" page. There is plenty of other programming, but "Drama" is what I like best. I've especially enjoyed the "Book At Bedtime," fifteen minute installments, 5 days a week, of an almost always entertaining novel I'm not likely to read.
There are also plays, "readings" (non-fiction books and short stories). There are mysteries, comedies, and the classics -- I'm listening to the production of Beau Geste at the moment -- and bestsellers like The Help.

Try it sometime, especially if you've never experienced real radio drama. It's a whole new world. For those of you who've had the radio experience, you'll be amazed at how the BBC has improved it.

Now I'm off to wrangle my ducks some more. Or maybe I'll drink some iced tea and watch The Good Wife....

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